Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Score on Test

60/80= 50/50

Test part 2

48. Portuguese prince lived at beginning of age of exploration trading posts---Henry the navigator/ Diaz?

49- reached asia but reached Caribbean islands of a vast new world------- Christopher Columbus

50. Named after that man given to the exchange between new world and Europe---- Columbian exchange

51. name one of several things were shared between old world and new---------- tobacco

52. this is the economic system regulated by the state strong self economy------- mercantilism ?

53. company that is created by a partnership by two or more entities----------joint stock company

54. dominant religion Dutch republic-------- Calvinism

55. true/false all religions enjoyed religious freedom in the dutch republic---------- false?

56. this city in the dutch republic remained europes financial center-------- Amsterdam

57. this was the name of the company that displaced the portugese------ East Indian trading company

58. did the dutch republic hav aan absolute ruler--------- no

59. name any of the leading dutch artists in the 17 century---------

60. English society- exception of dutch republic this social class was proportionally larger than any other in Europe------------ middle class

61. the gentry included wealthy landowners who dominanted this house of parliament--------- House of Commons

62. end of 17 century which religious sect comprised the largest percentage of the English population--------Protestantism/ puritans?

63. this family dynastic followed the tudors---------Stuart ?

64. king james and king cahrles which form of curch organization did they favor? Episcopal or Presbyterian------------ Episcopal

65. what was the rein in years of james 1----------1603-1625

66. Published the true law of free monarchy belief called -----------Divine Right of Kings

67. this religion or religious sect was the opponent of Charles 1-----------Puritans

68. 1628 for grants of money signed what ---------?petition of right?

69. this man was Charles 1 archbishop of Canterbury--------- Archbishop Laud

70. attempt to impose the English prayer book on ----------- Scotland

71. group represented by church officials and remained loyal to the king------Cavaliers

72. group that included puritans and middle class people----------Roundheads

73. this man organized protestants into the New Model Army-----------Oliver Cromwell


74. name given by Oliver Cromwell to the Form of government which officially abolished the monarchy and house of lords------------?

75. Official title taken by Cromwell 1653------- Lord Protector ?

76. this group was considered a radical group that advocated with written constitution man hood suffrages apposed by Cromwell -----------Levelers

77. 1658 cromwell dies. His son Richard does not command respect. Parliament invites who back to England from exile---------------?charles II

78. name given to the period including the reign of Charles II and James II----------?

79. this author published leviathan ----- Thomas Hobbes


Monday, November 22, 2010

Test part 1

1. catholic monk protested the indulgence system---- Martin Luther
2. name given to the document he nailed to church door--- 95 Thesis
3. city in germany in which luther witnessed selling indulgences --- ?
4. money came from indulgences paid for the ---- St peters Basilica
5.freebee- precise date on which luther document was nailed to church ?
6. lutheranism Luther said what was the only path to salvation--- faith alone
7. luther- what book wsa the only valid authority for christian life--- Bible
8. luther was against what hierarchy--- church hierarchy- the bishops
9. german peasants war who did the german peasants initially support--- Hapsburg?
10- luther believed christians ought to obey rulers even if they are unjust---- true?
11-lutheranism became allied with- german peasantry or nobility? ---- nobility
12. Lutheranism became dominant religion in northern and eastern Germany- southern Germany? -----Calvinism
13. by mid 16 century skandinavia religion- Protestantism/ Lutheranism?
14. 1555 settlement ended the civil war German----- Peace of Augsburg?
15. one way luther was a religious revolutionary---- He went against the church and created his own 95 Thesis.
16. Luther was a political conservative? ----
17. this guy wrote the institutes of christian religion humans are corrupt weak and insignificant god is all knowing he has determined who will go to salvation and destruction-----John Calvin
18. in 1541 protestants in this city asked john calvin transform this city into model chirstian community------
19. this man brought calvanism to scottland---- freebee
20. name given to calvinists in france------ Huguenots
21. this man reined as king of england 1509-1547 broke away from england ----- King Henry VIII
22. woman that mands daughter ruled england to 1603----- Elizabeth I
23. this religious sect believed in strict separation from church and state----- Anabaptist
24. catholisism this pope commisioned the building the st peters basillica and sistine chapel----Pope Leo X
25. council rejected luther, suprmecy of the bible, and sacraments---- Council of Trent/ Council of Worms
26. True/ False this council also decreed indulgences should no longer be sold------ true
27. 16 century addition of the bible authoritative catholic addition-------
28. Jesuits founder ----- Loyola
29. name 1 of the 3 missions of the jesuits----- spread Christianity
30. beroque art- movement in art that came about what century?----- 15 century
31. architect designed the st petes pietza sculpter of saint terrease and several fountains and churchs ------ Giotto
32.spain---son of charles 5 over saw vast empire milan naples goal advance spanish power-----Phillip II
33. was leading spain when spain attacked elizabeth's england what was the name to the spanish fleet that was destroyed------ Spanish Armada
34. france- massacre in 1572 at the wedding celebreation of henry navvarre and margaret----- St. Batholomew's day Massacre
35. 1598-- Henry 4 issued this edict- recognizing french protestisms calvinism----- Edict of Nantes
36. 30 years war - holy roman empire------ 300 principalities
37.peace treaty in 1555---- Peace of Augsburg
38. official name of the union of the protestants---- Protestant Union
39. name of the catholic league------- Catholic League
40. austrian hapsburgs were -------- Catholic
41. in the 30 years war this wsa the side that the kings of denmark and seden were with------ Protestants
42. name the leader of the league of catholics and union of protestants at he beginning ----- Ferdinand II (Catholic) and Frederic V
43. king of sweden------ Gustavus Adolphus
44. 1648 this treaty ended the 30 years war------ Peace of Westphalia
45.this was the geographical area that france annexed ------ ?
46. this country was devasted by 30 years war------- Germany
47. emerged as the strongest power----- France
48. explorers ----

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DBQ format Quiz

What are the ranges of score? 1-10
If a DBQ answer doesn't not have a thesis statement what is the highest you can get? 4
If you have 12 documents- what is the bare minimum you must cite? 7
Explain what bias is. bias is showing your feelings and opinions
Explain the groupings. organizing the documents into groups and how they are related
citation for doc 5. (Doc. 5)