Monday, November 22, 2010

Test part 1

1. catholic monk protested the indulgence system---- Martin Luther
2. name given to the document he nailed to church door--- 95 Thesis
3. city in germany in which luther witnessed selling indulgences --- ?
4. money came from indulgences paid for the ---- St peters Basilica
5.freebee- precise date on which luther document was nailed to church ?
6. lutheranism Luther said what was the only path to salvation--- faith alone
7. luther- what book wsa the only valid authority for christian life--- Bible
8. luther was against what hierarchy--- church hierarchy- the bishops
9. german peasants war who did the german peasants initially support--- Hapsburg?
10- luther believed christians ought to obey rulers even if they are unjust---- true?
11-lutheranism became allied with- german peasantry or nobility? ---- nobility
12. Lutheranism became dominant religion in northern and eastern Germany- southern Germany? -----Calvinism
13. by mid 16 century skandinavia religion- Protestantism/ Lutheranism?
14. 1555 settlement ended the civil war German----- Peace of Augsburg?
15. one way luther was a religious revolutionary---- He went against the church and created his own 95 Thesis.
16. Luther was a political conservative? ----
17. this guy wrote the institutes of christian religion humans are corrupt weak and insignificant god is all knowing he has determined who will go to salvation and destruction-----John Calvin
18. in 1541 protestants in this city asked john calvin transform this city into model chirstian community------
19. this man brought calvanism to scottland---- freebee
20. name given to calvinists in france------ Huguenots
21. this man reined as king of england 1509-1547 broke away from england ----- King Henry VIII
22. woman that mands daughter ruled england to 1603----- Elizabeth I
23. this religious sect believed in strict separation from church and state----- Anabaptist
24. catholisism this pope commisioned the building the st peters basillica and sistine chapel----Pope Leo X
25. council rejected luther, suprmecy of the bible, and sacraments---- Council of Trent/ Council of Worms
26. True/ False this council also decreed indulgences should no longer be sold------ true
27. 16 century addition of the bible authoritative catholic addition-------
28. Jesuits founder ----- Loyola
29. name 1 of the 3 missions of the jesuits----- spread Christianity
30. beroque art- movement in art that came about what century?----- 15 century
31. architect designed the st petes pietza sculpter of saint terrease and several fountains and churchs ------ Giotto
32.spain---son of charles 5 over saw vast empire milan naples goal advance spanish power-----Phillip II
33. was leading spain when spain attacked elizabeth's england what was the name to the spanish fleet that was destroyed------ Spanish Armada
34. france- massacre in 1572 at the wedding celebreation of henry navvarre and margaret----- St. Batholomew's day Massacre
35. 1598-- Henry 4 issued this edict- recognizing french protestisms calvinism----- Edict of Nantes
36. 30 years war - holy roman empire------ 300 principalities
37.peace treaty in 1555---- Peace of Augsburg
38. official name of the union of the protestants---- Protestant Union
39. name of the catholic league------- Catholic League
40. austrian hapsburgs were -------- Catholic
41. in the 30 years war this wsa the side that the kings of denmark and seden were with------ Protestants
42. name the leader of the league of catholics and union of protestants at he beginning ----- Ferdinand II (Catholic) and Frederic V
43. king of sweden------ Gustavus Adolphus
44. 1648 this treaty ended the 30 years war------ Peace of Westphalia
45.this was the geographical area that france annexed ------ ?
46. this country was devasted by 30 years war------- Germany
47. emerged as the strongest power----- France
48. explorers ----

1 comment:

  1. 3. wittenburg
    5.1517 october 31
    12. catholic
    15. tried to break apart the hierarchy
    16. insisted christians owed obedience to german nobility
    18. geneva switzerland
    19. John Knox
    24. Julius II
    45. alsace

    25 Trent
    27. Vulgate
    30. 17
    31. bernini
