Monday, March 14, 2011

Final Outline

Term Paper Outline

Thesis: In 1804 after the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte became emperor and influenced Europe because of the sole fact that he was a politically stable leader amidst the worst turmoil the country had seen in ages by implementing many of his reforms, such as the Napoleonic code and through his many wars against other European countries.

Definitions: French Revolution- the revolution that began in 1789, overthrew the absolute monarchy of the Bourbons and the system of aristocratic privileges, and ended with Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory and seizure of power in 1799

Napoleonic Code- the civil code of France, enacted in 1804 and officially designated in 1807.

Napoleonic Wars- the intermittent wars (1796–1815) waged by France principally against England, Prussia, Austria, and Russia.

Sources: Primary: BBC and Internet Modern sourcebook, some letters from Napoleon and his military personnel

Secondary sources: the Kaplan guide, Wikipedia, and several websites with the biography of napoleon

I. Historical information leading up to Napoleon’s Reign.

a. The third estate consisted of everyone from wealthy merchants to lower peasants.

b. They owned about 40% of the land.

c. Prices rose 65% while wages only increased 22%.

d. Third Estate became the National Assembly.

e. The government switched to the Committee of Public safety and then the Directory.

f. Napoleon was given military position and on the return of his last set up a coup d’état and seized control.

II. Napoleons government and how he stabilized the government.

a. He became the First consul of the triumvirate.

b. Passed the Concordat which made peace with the church.

c. He enforced law and order in France at the time of his leadership.

d. Created peace with Britain.

e. improved the french finances with the Bank of France

f. furtherance of public education

III. Napoleons many wars.

a. Fought the British, the Russians, and the Austrians.

b. Was defeated in a naval battle against the British.

c. He recreated Poland.

d. Peninsular war with Spain which was a guerilla war.


1. War between Britain and France 1803-1814

2. War of the Third Coalition 1805

    1. Britain got Austria and Russia to ally themselves against france.
    2. France knew it could not go in a head to head battle so they tried to draw the British navy away from the English channel. However the french fleet was defeated and so they did not invade England.

3. War of the Fourth Coailition 1806-1807

    1. Napoleon had defeated Prussia and now attacked Russia through Poland. It was a bloody stalemate so they signed the treaty of Tilsit.

4. War of the Fifth Coalition 1809

    1. Austria broke its alliance with france and was subsequently defeated a second time. After france had been defeated after fighting on the german front

5. The invasion of Russia 1812

    1. Russia had abandoned the continenteal system and broke its alliance with France. France responded by threatening to take action and so grew its army to 450 thousand and invaded Russia.

6. War of the Sixth Coalition 1812-1814

    1. Prussia joined with Austria, Sweden, Russia, Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal in a new coalition because they saw that france had been defeated in Russia. They then had a force twice the size of napoleons and defeated him at the battle of Leipzig .

7. Gunboat war 1807-1814

8. War of 1812

IV. Napoleons code that he set up throughout Europe.

a. It was divided into a criminal and civil code.

b. Citizens were considered equal before the law.

c. Women lost the legal rights they had formally gained.

d. The army and bureaucracy were the means of advancement.

V. Napoleons ideas and reforms throughout Europe.

VI. Effects of the Reign of Napoleon.

a. Because of his position of power and the stability he gave France, he was able to go to war with many countries and to expand the French Empire.

b. He went into the new world and gained the Louisiana territory from the Spanish but then sold it to the United States.

c. Signed many peace treaties with other countries in Europe.

d. Made peace with the church.

VII. Conclusion

a. With out Napoleons stable leadership, the continent of Europe would not be the same as it is today. Even thought he had some tough times, and may have had some defeats, he still stayed strong and was able to provide a stable base for France to get back on its feet.

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